Book Reviews
I received and read the Itty Bitty Dementia Book. It is an excellent compilation of information on dementia, which has crucially changed my outlook on Eve's and my situation moving forward. Your book is very well written and so meaningful to the caregiver and loved one in terms of what to expect and the various characteristics and how they relate to the stages of their form of dementia.
It is difficult to express just how thankful I am to you for providing me with this clear, concise, and life-changing information. The information you provided has allowed me to see this in a such different light and changed the way I see my wife's actions, activities, feelings, and health-related characteristics.
Brain damage is such a terrible situation, but especially for those who were so gifted with an increased level of mental activity, acuity, and energy earlier on in their lives.
In addition, I received the two Becoming Dementia Aware books for caregiving, which look to be quite informative and should provide aid and awareness to Eve's caregivers. I will take these to the director of Memory Care when I go to visit with Eve today.
There is no doubt in my mind you receive wonderful praise from a great number of people whose lives you have touched with your information and knowledge because the level and delivery of information you provide is truly life-altering for caregivers and loved ones.
My outlook is heightened and more positive from multiple perspectives due to your kindness and thoughtfulness in sharing your knowledge and love for people dealing with their loved one’s brain injuries.
Once again, thank you so much for providing this information for me and for the caregiving team.
I fell so blessed to have you in my life, and God bless you for all that you do.
J. Sam McLelland, Brandon, MS
Caregiver Training Reviews
The training that Dr. Tam has provided The Legacy has changed the way we see our residents. Dr. Tam unveils the mystery around dementia and makes caring for our memory support residents intuitive. She provides hands-on, tactical training that shows our team exactly how to touch and talk to residents in order to create good days, every day. With better understanding, we now give better care.
Alyssa Adam, Chief Marketing Officer, The Legacy Senior Communities
Tam has educated and entertained our caregiver audiences several times over the past ten years, expertly communicating the hard stuff of memory loss with her unique and straightforward style. Tam’s knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, and memory loss in general is always astounding. She also provides volunteer training for our memory loss respite program, allowing us to act as informed and compassionate resources for our caregivers and their loved ones. Tam brings a spark you won’t soon forget!
Sharon Butler, Director
The Lighthouse Memory Support Respite Program, Riverbend Church, Austin, TX
Thank you so much for the wonderful presentation. I learned so much and now realize how important self-awareness and self-care are to avoid burn out. I needed this, and will definitely do my homework and use the strategies that you recommended. I look forward to reading your new book and attending your future presentations!
— Annette Frederick, CRNP
I truly appreciate you taking the time with our group! Thank you so much for training me and my team the past two days. The knowledge that you gave us is very powerful and will make a difference. We will practice the information that you empowered us with.
— Becky Horner, Manager of Market Development, ProMedica Senior Care, Assisted Living Division
“Thank you so much for bringing Dr. Cummings today for the seminar. I was really glad that I went. And I will always remember now to BREATHE before and after my visits (and how exactly to do it).
— Janice Miller | Fort Myers, FL
“When I first started the walk through Alz with my husband, our local AARP had a class on Alzheimer’s, and Dr Cummings was the speaker. She gave us a copy of her book that I quickly read through! Needless to say, she impressed me with her knowledge. No one had ever told me that the person with dementia has it before we see the signs.
As I look at photos with my hubby and think about things he said and did over the past 6 years, I can see the evidence that it was present for a long time. I had an eye opening moment several times during today’s program. I look at those photos now and realize why he wasn’t smiling, I can see the telling (vacant) look in his eyes.”
— Dora Fowler | Austin, TX
I've already used the information you presented in our virtual group (talking about it), as well as showing our folks the website by Dr. Kristin Neff, "www.self-compassion.org". Care partners are essential in the treatment, healing both physically and emotionally every step of the way. Thank you for your focus and knowledge on this important component of chronic illness.